I hope it's true. Troy Newman, the group's president, claims Operation Rescue is fucking broke:
"We're now so broke (as the saying goes), we can't even pay attention," Newman wrote.Newman told The Associated Press in an interview after the mailing that the group has only four paid employees left, compared to nine a year ago. The group typically has an annual budget of $600,000, but donations this year have been down 30 percent to 40 percent. Newman, who earns $60,000 annually, said he hasn't been paid in two months."You see, this summer has been brutal for Operation Rescue," Newman wrote. "Not only did George Tiller's death throw everybody in the pro-life movement for a loop (and especially us), but the economic crisis our nation is suffering has brought our financial support to nearly a halt."
I'm sure, that in addition to the economic recession, Troy Newman sees a moral one, demonstrated by his group's financial difficulties.
Whether the organization is penniless or not, I'm not sure how much real difference it makes. I'm not very up on the coat hanger or nothing scene, so I don't know how many serious anti-choice groups are out there these days. I know Operation Rescue was THE one for a while, and I figured they still were. Randall Terry is still doing some bullshit, I'm sure.
Whatever the case, it makes me feel good to see people like this crawl. Fuck every one of them. Fuck every person who has ever donated to them.
I have these visions where Troy Newman, Randall Terry, Cheryl Sullenger (Operation Rescue "Senior Policy Advisor" and would-be clinic bomber) and whatever other malicious parasites live atop the heap of woman-hating zeal become so poor and crazy from their tunnel-vision lifestyles that they are homeless. Their homelessness is of the variety where they are street people; they have to live off of the fat of society. One night, drunkenly dumpster diving (they have long since strayed from the flock), they find some decent scraps of meat, still warm. You gotta take what you can get when you are in this position. As they walk off, joyously feasting upon their finds, they realize they've been eating fetuses.
I would like to credit Bad Religion with Operation Rescue's organizational destitution.
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