Holy shit. I realize that most other people don't view the police like I do, but at the same time, it's shocking to see how highly people regard pigs and what they will tell you does not go on behind closed doors, or when video cameras aren't around, for that matter. Check this Supreme Court decision handed down today, about how the police can start asking questions without your lawyer:
Writing for the court majority, Justice Antonin Scalia said there was little if any chance a defendant will be badgered into waiving the right to have counsel present during police-initiated questioning.
Who actually believes that? Insane. Completely insane. The police will not hassle you? They will not try to do things that are inconsistent with the law? Then why the fuck did they make this part of the law today?
Now it's on you to invoke your right to an attorney, officially. The pig fucks can start in on you right away, legally. WHAT THE FUCK.
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