Thursday, May 15, 2008

"new technologies are going to be the solution"

to global warming? no, they fucking won't. "clean coal?" yeah. think about it. "clean" and "coal." "new technologies" are what got us here in the first place. technology will not save us. this is not a partisan or political issue. it is reality. aside from the fact that this and we are not worth saving, this world that we have created, this modern world, cannot be "saved." do you understand what i mean? we cannot preserve this way of living. it is absolutely impossible. how ever hard humanity fights to sustain this way of living, we will lose, all the while wiping out countless other forms of life and making fewer options for our futures, as those options approach zero. this is unsustainable in the realest way. we have constructed this disaster through extreme exploitation and repeatedly bleeding ecosystems dry of what took them millions of years to produce. those "resources" are finite. this world is finite. this world is finite. THIS WORLD IS FINITE.

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