Don't question the need for it, just sate demand.
China is building a shitload of nuclear reactors, planning on about ten a year in the coming years.
The last country to carry out such a rapid nuclear expansion was the United States in the 1970s, in a binge of reactor construction that ended with the Three Mile Island accident in Pennsylvania in 1979. And China is placing many of its nuclear plants near large cities, potentially exposing tens of millions of people to radiation in the event of an accident.
Good, good, they are in great company. Three Mile Island. That worked out so well. Isolated incident though, don't worry.
Westinghouse is helping out, and I would imagine General Electric is as well. I know they have built reactors for China in the past. They bring good things to life, (they manufacture the guns that fire the depleted uranium rounds) you know?
Do they have Indian reservations in China? If not, I guess they'll have to ship the spent fuel rods here.
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