Saturday, June 27, 2009

I fucking hate this country, pt. 2

You're gonna need more than "Obama's help."

Here you have the SHAC people in prison for some organized crime bullshit with a "terrorism" enhancement for trying to shut down an animal testing corporation, but those fascistic, woman-hating hicks who kill people, they don't go to prison until they kill/try to kill someone.

There is undoubtedly a long history of organized terrorism, as in actual terrorism, as in trying to intimidate and coerce people into changing what they do through threats and practices of extreme violence and death, when it comes to anti-choice people and groups. These people have their little "activist" organizations, loads of websites, prisoner support groups, and endless protests. Clearly, they have an agenda, one that has long included premeditated murder.

But the government doesn't do much about that one, do they? They bust people after they kill. They don't try to silence Operation Rescue or others like them, who clearly and adamantly promote an agenda of fear, violence and death, even having the audacity to openly celebrate the murders of doctors. Their intimidation goes unchecked, and not just by the government - we let them have their ways, we let them push people around. I think if they faced some of the same, they wouldn't be nearly so bold.

No, they go after SHAC, a bunch of people accused of running a website. That's who the state says terrorists are. Or people who try to get in the way of industry gone wild. And of course the standard religious targets. A succinct summary of today's perceived terrorists:
  1. Muslims
  2. People who come in between business and profit.
Why not prosecute the anti-choice thugs? It's not for lack of feasibility. There's obviously ample evidence and ability, at least judging by the government's success in going after SHAC and people involved with the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front. I see a few reasons why they don't go after God's Army Of Loving Christ Crusaders For The Cross Of The Baby Most Holy In Jesus' Name - one, the people who run this country are and have always been varying degrees of sexist, misogynistic and male-centric. Abortion is a "woman's issue." Another is that people in this country are, by and large, religious and socially/politically conservative, so there is not a whole lot of support for abortion rights, at least not in comparison to something like support for gun rights. Finally, and this is a huge one in my eyes, that abortion doesn't generate a lot of money, and certainly not in a concentrated way. Animal exploitation industries, on the other hand, those are huge money makers, along with other ALF/ELF targets, like the timber industry, luxury home construction industry and producing genetically modified crops. There is no real abortion industry lobby to fill politicians' coffers. If abortion were to be outlawed tomorrow, the economy would not suffer a substantial loss and no CEO would lose his job.

As an addendum, I would add that this war on choice helps to promote the chaos of daily life, making it essentially impossible for people to focus on and unite against their common oppression under capital and industry, and also does some of the ugly groundwork necessary to keep women subjugated, anxious, afraid and marginalized. The government could absolutely ameliorate this ridiculous tide of fear and violence, but they won't.

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