clearly. really, i'm not one to pick out individuals within the government as worthy of withering criticism over others, but this is just too much to ignore.
some highlights:
"In 2004, less than two months after his confirmation as housing secretary, Mr. Jackson told a House panel that he believed poverty 'is a state of mind, not a condition,' provoking strong criticism. Two years later, he said in a speech that he had canceled a contract for a company after its president told him that he did not like Mr. Bush. Mr. Jackson later said he had made the story up."
made it up?? even if he did, shouldn't he have been removed for failing to even attempt to obscure his lying nature?
"Mr. Jackson had threatened to withdraw federal aid from the Philadelphia Housing Authority after its president refused to turn over a $2 million property to a politically connected developer."
ooh, and he's a toughguy too - "And he is known, even among friends, to carry a bit of a chip on his shoulder. As head of the Dallas Housing Authority in the 1990s, he once punched a city councilman."