Fucking brilliant quote from this former pig who runs an anti-choice organization in Las Vegas:
Three months later, Operation Rescue, the umbrella anti-abortion group, arrived in Las Vegas, where Mr. Gallagher was a police officer. He refused to arrest protesters, and when his sergeant suspended him, he joined the “rescuers.”“I learned something that changed my life,” Mr. Gallagher said. “It wasn’t civil disobedience; it was biblical obedience.”
Thanks pig. Your trenchant insight has shown the issue so clearly. Biblical obedience. What other choice do you have, really. It has to be the truth, because it does. Get it? Sure, the bible came around a few thousand years ago, and yeah, the current human species had been around for about five hundred thousand years at that point, but that's irrelevant. The Lord God Jesus (The LGJ) was really busy for all that time, and was having a hard time finding a lady until Mary came along. You think he would have made her earlier, but again, he was busy. He's The LGJ.
The quote is from a broader story on the more in your face types of woman hating anti-choice people and all their very creative signs and stickers.
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