Fuck Johnny Wallace. Didn't get shot, but I'm glad he caught a beatdown, and DELIGHTED that it was from two women. Fucking awesome.
As usual, he's not "pro-life", he's anti choice. Here is a motherfucker standing around trying just as hard as can be to also be a Christ Warrior and prohibit women from controlling their bodies, their futures and their lives. Progress through intimidation, right Johnny? Ok, so that's offensive enough. He deserves a kicking just for that.
BUT, here's the best part. As Operation Rescue tells it, Johnny simply "held two non-graphic, text-only signs protesting abortion..." One of them was some standard shit about dead babies, while the other read “Abortion kills more black Americans in four days than the Klan killed in 150 years." HOLY SHIT. Again, WOW. Johnny would have caught a lot more than a beatdown in a lot of places. He's lucky he was in Flagstaff. Incredible, thinking it's reasonable to compare the Klan and abortion. It's not really a comparison though; what he's saying is the black women are worse than the Klan. Black women kill more black people than the Klan.
On one hand, we have a terrorist organization (actual terrorists, as in maintaining power and accomplishing goals through extreme violence and, you know, terror) fighting to keep hatred alive and black people scared, impoverished and "in their places." They have maintained a reign of terror since shortly after the Civil War. They are alive and well today. Lynchings, beatings, shootings, burnings (of people), arson, bombings, stabbings, and whatever other kinds of physical violence of which one can conceive. If you can think of it, they've done it. And they still will do it. Black people in this situation are, unfortunately, subjects. When you are being beaten by a gang of men based on your skin, you have lost virtually all power to act effectively.
Abortion - a woman deciding she does not want to have a child at this time. No terror, no hatred, no one being dragged to death by horse. Black women are actors here. They are exercising agency. They are making decisions over their lives.
Holy shit. After writing that out, clearly, they are very similar, if not indiscernible from one another. I just realized how very wrong I am. I used to think abortions should be mandatory for all pregnant women everywhere, back last minute when I was pro abortion, but Jimmy's sign showed me that no one should ever have an abortion anywhere ever cause God.
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