It's been well over a month now, and don't you know that hole in the ocean floor is still blowing over a million gallons a day into the Gulf of Mexico with no end in sight. Actually, you know what, never mind that. It does not matter how much oil is coming out of the hole:
BP has resisted entreaties from scientists that they be allowed to use sophisticated instruments at the ocean floor that would give a far more accurate picture of how much oil is really gushing from the well.“The answer is no to that,” a BP spokesman, Tom Mueller, said on Saturday. “We’re not going to take any extra efforts now to calculate flow there at this point. It’s not relevant to the response effort, and it might even detract from the response effort.”
Whatever the case, for the last week, BP has been sucking out 126,000 gallons a day, at most, which I'm sure will find its way into cars very soon. Amazing that they are still making money off of this thing. Fucking company needs to be shut down, deploying any and all means available.
To stop oil from coming to the surface (addressing the aesthetics of the matter), they're using dispersants underwater, which are known to be toxic. Aside from their intensely poisonous nature, BP is making a new problem - vast underwater oil clouds, "including one as large as 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick in spots." Great news.
While the oxygen depletion so far is not enough to kill off sea life, the possibility looms that oxygen levels could fall so low as to create large dead zones, especially at the seafloor. “That’s the big worry,” said Ray Highsmith, head of the Mississippi center that sponsored the mission, known as the National Institute for Undersea Science and Technology.
This is already the worst single-event environmental disaster this country has ever seen. It will go down as one of the worst in the world. And no one seems to be able to do anything about it.
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