Way smarter than the other kind. Chance are they don't want to be eaten, much less caged, beaten, hung by their back feet or stabbed.
They’ve [animal behavior researchers] found that pigs are among the quickest of animals to learn a new routine, and pigs can do a circus’s worth of tricks: jump hoops, bow and stand, spin and make wordlike sounds on command, roll out rugs, herd sheep, close and open cages, play videogames with joysticks, and more. For better or worse, pigs are also slow to forget. “They can learn something on the first try, but then it’s difficult for them to unlearn it,” said Suzanne Held of the University of Bristol. “They may get scared once and then have trouble getting over it.”
I want to hang out with pigs and play bow and stand with them.
I know it's a dream that won't come true until people are wiped off the planet, but I really wish they would just recognize the inherent worth that other animals have in living their lives and leave them alone.
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