Jay-z needs to make a second version of "D.O.A." which would involve him killing America. Fuck this place, holy shit. It is so full up of thoughtless idiots who will believe anything they hear on the radio, see on TV or "read" on the internet on whatever stupid fucking message boards or blogs they frequent. They are hateful, bigoted, racist, anti-intellectual and are fraught with anxiety that big guvmint is always around the corner coming to get them and take away all their "rights." What these jackasses systematically fail to see, much to the delight of those who use them for political gain, is that THEY ARE ON THE SAME SIDE AS THE PEOPLE RUNNING THE COUNTRY. They all want the same fucking things - God, money, black people in jail, women in the back. Just fools in the game of division.
Anyway, here's what's going on. A bunch of assholes are running around the country stirring up this week's blind, pointless jingoistic hatred in the name of the "Tea Party Express." Remember that old woman at a McCain campaign rally last year who said she couldn't trust Obama because he's an Arab? I bet she's around. Here are some choice quotes:
- Under a setting sun on the steps of the state capitol in Little Rock, Arkansas, Johns says: "Our men and women took an oath when they put on the uniform to defend and protect this country from enemies both foreign and domestic. I think we've got some domestic enemies in the White House."
- "The men and women in our military didn't fight and die for this country for a communist in the White House," she says, and the crowd erupts in a chant of "U-S-A, U-S-A!"
- Williams is the showman of the bunch. His signature line when he gets the mic goes like this: "You can have our country when you pry it from our ... cold ... dead ... fingers!" Again the crowd erupts.
- As the tour moves on, Nazi imagery becomes more prominent -- and sometimes confused. One sign at the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, has Obama's portrait sandwiched between pictures of Adolf Hitler and communist philosopher Karl Marx. In Canton,Ohio, Obama and Hitler adorn a sign reading "Hitler made great speeches, too."
- No one on the tea party express seems concerned with the vocal fringe of the crowds that come with offensive signs -- besides Nazi imagery, a poster of Obama as an African witch doctor has become popular -- or the numerous conspiracy theories that float around most tea parties.
- In Battle Creek, Michigan, a woman in her 60s says, "I really don't want to be a guinea pig for the experiment they have with the population control." In Canton, Ohio, a woman argues with an Obama supporter: "He's going after our kids to try to indoctrinate them into a national defense army."
This is the kind of shit that makes me wish I were dead. That's it.
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