Research/torture/confinement/starvation for its own sake. Science. Progress.

One monkey is on a calorie restricted diet, the other is not. Both look profoundly sad and forlorn.
Sick, sadistic fucks pursuing useless information. Wanna see what their conclusions are and what they may mean?
Few people can keep to a diet with 30 percent fewer calories than usual. So
biologists have been looking for drugs that might mimic the effects of caloric
restriction, conferring the gain without the pain.Dietary restriction seems to set off an ancient strategy written into all
animal genomes, that when food is scarce resources should be switched to tissue
maintenance from breeding. In recent years biologists have had considerable
success in identifying the mechanisms by which cells detect the level of
nutrients available to the body. The goal is to find drugs that trick these
mechanisms into thinking that famine is at hand. People could then literally
have their cake and eat it, too, enjoying the health benefits of caloric
restriction without the pain of forgoing rich foods.
Brilliant, simply fucking brilliant. Let's do this "experiment" with premises that are virtually untenable in real life, and then maybe we can make some drugs to fuck with biology a little more. The outcomes are fantastic - drug companies get rich, people (really just Americans and those who have enough money and resources to emulate them) can still be the fat, undiscerning fucks that they are and be able to do so much longer, world population will increase as life spans do the same, and we will burn out the planet at ever greater speeds.
Thanks science. Thanks for continually pressing on, undeterred, to find the maximum fucking velocity at which to hurtle towards hell.
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