I do. Those lazy welfare cheats get too much of your paycheck, huh? Yeah. Sitting around all day, doing nothing, getting paid for it. They live better than you and me man, I tell ya. They are so irresponsible. They just expect people to hand them money. Even worse, they're right! They make bad decision after bad decision and get rewarded for it. It's so insulting. Count the numbers.
Citi - $45 billion
AIG - $170 billion (some older articles reference $85 billion, but that was just round one)
Wells Fargo - $25 billion
Bank of America - $45 billion
JP Morgan Chase - $25 billion
$310 billion, the bulk of it since October. Billions more to come, out of that $787 billion bailout fund. What do people get a year? Real people, people on government aid because they don't have money, because they can't afford food, because they can't find jobs, because there simply are no jobs for them to find? In 2006, the federal government paid out about $20 billion dollars in cash and non-cash benefits through its Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program to around two million families. Families, not individuals. Wow, an average of ten thousand dollars a year. Per family. That's some get rich quick shit right there.
Here is where your money really went this year:
Vikram Pandi - Ceo of Citi. He looks happy.

Recent AIG CEO Robert Willumstad, before he was removed by the fed. Looks happy for 114.

John Stumpf, CEO of Wells Fargo, with his wife Ruth. They look so happy.

Here's Ken Lewis, head of Bank of America. Nice smile there, yeah?
James "Jamie" Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase. He smiles like Bill Clinton.
For fucking nothing. And no, they don't create jobs. They ship them overseas or mechanize them so they can rake in even more.
This is just what the financial sector got recently. Loads of other corporations, like oil, agribusiness, the auto industry, etc., get constant supplies of money but I don't have time to tend to that now. Later.
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